NEMC Draft Calendar
MAR 5 Lent Begins
APR 13 Palm Sunday
Apr 17 Maundy Thursday
APR 20 Easter
Spring TBD Jr High/Sr High Retreat
TBD Leadership Development North and South
May 30 - Jun 6 World Conference
TBD Jim Cook Seminar
JUL 5-11 Reunion Brooksville, ME
JUL 12-19 SPEC
JUL 25-Aug1 Reunion Onset, MA
TBD Onset Conference
TBD Young Adult Retreat - Ellswworth, ME
TBD Jr. High/Sr. High retreat
AUG TBD NEMC Council Meeting - via Zoom
SEP TBD NEMC Conference - north and south
TBD Jr. High/Sr. High Retreat - Ellsworth, ME
NOV 30 - First Sunday of Advent
There are a lot of TBD's, please watch for information from your pastor or e-mail concerning when the event will be scheduled or whether events are in-person or virtual.